Blockchain is going to be the future

Crypto is here to stay.

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Years ago I was a crypto skeptic. I remember I got in contact with Bitcoin for the first time through my brother. At that time bitcoin value was around 1 dollar in value and all you could with a bunch of them was to buy video games. That's exactly what my brother did. The main way to get bitcoin was to exchange them by hand. I thought it was just a fun thing.

Now crypto coins are huge economies.

I still have friends that don’t believe in crypto. They think it's pure speculation and it's full of problem. Well, I believe crypto is here to stay.

Blockchain is here to stay

The blockchain is just a clever way of making something unique. All the nodes of a network are incentivised Is a zero-to-one innovation [TODO link to Peter Thiel book]. Like agriculture, once anybody in your community starts with it, there is no going back.

It's funny that still we don't know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, the creator of Bitcoin.